Thursday, November 10, 2011

I was sick......:(

I was sick yesterday and just could not muster up the strength to do my Physique 57 workout.  I know that sounds very dramatic, but it is the truth.  I have been fighting something for the last few days and I just plain hit the wall yesterday. This is what my yesterday consisted of: I made it thru the day at work, but after running to Kohl's for a new blouse (getting ready for staff portraits, yuk, that's another post), I came home, took Tiffy out, fed her, went upstairs, put on my PJ's then told Tiffy that I was going to lay down for just a bit then figured I would get up to do my Physique 57 workout because I was on a roll and didn't want to break my was 7:30....WRONG! I did not get up until 6:15 this morning!  This is what I had for dinner last night...

I woke up this morning feeling better but feeling guilty because I didn't Physique yesterday :(.  I called my Holly Girl on the way to work this morning and told her that I was sick yesterday and just couldn't do my Physique 57 workout and I felt super guilty because I missed it....she called me back and told me I got a "bye" from Natasha because I was sick (phewwww, that was a relief), and she said it was ok to miss if I was not feeling well.

Technically tho, the way I figure it, I'm still "legal" and can say I'm in compliance with the Physique 57 November Challenge because I did my Physique 57 workout 8 days in a row and the challenge says to do it 6 days a week, I missed one day, but had a credit for the 7th day, started the new week on day 8....oh heck, I'm not good at math, but I think I can legally say that I am on track to be a success with the Physique 57 November Challenge!

So....back to today.  I wore my new blouse and we did those dreaded work portraits, arghhhh....I came home, took Tiffy for a walk around the block...2 times...came back home, fed Tiff, went up stairs, put on my Physique 57 workout clothes (Old Navy), came down stairs (I moved my Physique 57 workout stuff down stairs for a change in scenery, and did this........BAM, I'M BACK!!

I actually feel pretty good and I am so happy to be back on my Physique 57 routine.  Wow, this sounds dramatic too.  It's not like I was gone for months and months, it was a mere 24 hours...can we say Drama Queen!

I'm counting the days until I head back east to celebrate Thanksgiving with Holly, Matt and Maggie Lu.  Also, I am really excited because I will get to take Physique 57 classes in NYC, woot woot!   Oh, by the way, I would be super super happy if we had snow, I'm just sayin'.

Until next time my fellow Physiquesians.....


  1. Hi Suzie! I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better. See you at the studio soon!

  2. Yay Mom! Back on track! :) xoxo See you soon!
