Monday, November 7, 2011

One Week Down....

I did it! I made it thru the first week of the Physique 57 November Challenge.  I worked out 7...count it...1,2,3,4,5,6,7 days in a row. I have never done that before! Never!

I must admit, I woke up a bit sore this morning...particularly my left shoulder blade but I don't think it is from my Physique 57 Workout...I think it is because I'm sharing my bed with two other bodies and they are hogging the bed. I have very little, lets say real estate, in my queen size bed because of this:

For the last week I have been sleeping with a total of 12 pounds of sweet Yorkie-ness and they are hogging the bed. I'm not kidding, I cannot believe that two little pups can take us so much room in a grown up bed! With Tiffy snoring all night and Mimi sleeping right by by comfort level has been less than normal but how can you resist these cute little faces.  So...

I get up in the morning, take the pups out, make them breakfast...because pups in my house don't just get kibbles, they get nice warm heated food that I have painstakingly prepared for them (I'm sure Maggie Lu is counting the days for Grandma to get there) then head out to work.  After a long day, I come home to see these waiting for me:

My three Physique 57 reminders.  They keep me going everyday. I see them the minute I get home and I get moving with my Physiqueing.  Week 2 starts tomorrow....

Until next time my Fellow Physiquesians....


  1. Keep up the great work mom!! 1 week down...easy peasy from here on out :) :)


  2. Keep pulsing & squeezing away! You're doing great!! I am taking class with Holly today at 2:30pm :)
