I was trying to think of some big impressive words to use for this
Physique 57 blog post tonight. Epiphany, proclamation, realization....but that just isn't me. So here is my Monday
Physique 57 post. I sat at work all day today thinking I wish I could go home so I can do my
Physique 57 workout. Pretty good for a person who normally thinks of everything but exercising if I do say so myself. I had a frustrating morning and all I wanted to do was get out of there and come home so I could
Physique ;) and feel better. Well, my day actually got better after my texting session with my beautiful daughter, so I wrapped things up, headed home, took Tiffy out for a walk and then headed upstairs to get changed so I could start my
Physiqueing and made some decisions while on the way upstairs. First of all.....
I've given up this....
For this....
Holly will be proud!!
AND, I decided that it is time to post a "before" picture. Posting a "before" picture is really hard and a big step for me (I'm actually happy that I don't have very many followers on my blog). But I know if I am going to remain committed to my Physique 57 workouts, and I want to do well when I take Physique 57 classes when I am in NY/NJ in November, then a "before" picture is probably a good thing. So here goes...
I really enjoyed my Physique 57 Express 30 Minute Full Body Workout and I know that doing my Physique 57 workouts on a regular basis will lead to a better "after" picture.
Until next time my fellow Physiquesians....
Yay mom!!! :) proud of you! xoox